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Your Vote is Your Voice

I refuse to talk and engage myself in 2 things in my life which are: Politics and Religion, because both of them are full of drama, games and lies. #if_you_know_you_know😎

The smart ones who engage and get addicted to these 2 things are there for pocket and opportunity wise, otherwise gullible and naive in poverty or hungry.
What comes my to mind:
The media, celebrities and public figures with large audience and followers have a lot of role to play in improving and developing this country by revealing and unearthing the truth and fact to the audience and public at large. Not just supporting and promoting any party group for money, opportunity or appointment.
My thought:
The truth is that, any young lad who is supporting, promoting and campaigning for any of these 2 popular political parties (PDP and APC) or campaigning for any of these 2 guys who have ruled us in this country without any improvement in the past as you may think is a fool and the enemy of progress in this country.
Because when you feel something is not working, you need to try something else and make it work better. Why not try another leg? Why not campaign for those who have never rule us before? We are all complaining, why not try something else.
My own view:
These 2 popular parties (PDP and APC) are the same cabals with the same mission, the so called leaders and politicians are just playing with our intelligence. They know what they are doing, they know what we want and as well know our problem.
Today, you are in party A, tomorrow you run to party B. Why do we find it difficult to think and throwback?
But who cares or listen?
Anyways, the majority keep crying, while the minority keep smiling, Power and money rules. A lot of Nigerians still remain gullible and naive because of hungry and ignorant leaders. So, many don't care what is wrong or right. They just want to have their daily bread and sustain a living.
However, coming Saturday, 16 February, the intelligent individuals who are reasonable have the ability to think of what is right and wrong and also decide on the future.
Your vote is your voice, VOTE wisely and do not sell your vote.
Thanks for reading

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